Power Up with EFT Tapping

How Doing Our Inner Work is an Act of Supreme Rebellion
First comes self-evolution, next comes world revolution. Your activism efforts won’t gain the traction you seek until you change the stories in your DNA. Doing our inner work is an act of supreme rebellion…

10 Natural Ways to Heal Depression, Release Stress & Feel Better Immediately
As someone who’s suffered from depression my whole life, I’ve been forced to find ways to survive. Eventually, I found 10 ways to heal it altogether—naturally and immediately…

How to Love Like You’ve Never Been Hurt — Heal Breakups with EFT
Do you know how to hold your heart after a breakup? How can you love anyone afterward like you’ve never been hurt? EFT found me when my heart was its most broken — and it guided me to permanent healing in 4 hours. If your heart needs healing, read this. Plus, I have a mini Tapping video and a podcast episode that’ll put you on the road to recovery, FAST…
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